The Path to Self-Actualization is Filled With Landmines

Naomi K
2 min readMar 26, 2022

I wish it wasn’t so and I hate to tell you Sweetie, but the road to self actualization and healthy boundaries is not lined with tulips and daffodils. It’s more like a piece of scorched earth strewn with landmines. You’re not sure where to step as you move along your way to a healthy life. When you started the journey of doing the work no one told you this was where all your progress would lead. “Get in touch with your emotions,” they said. “Honor your feelings,” “Picture the life you want.” They made it sound so positive and zen-like. But as someone who escaped her own war-torn inner country, I can tell you there’s nothing easy or peaceful about it.

The first reason for this is that a lot of people are not going to like hearing how you feel or what you want. And a lot of times those people are the ones closest to you. When you start speaking up for yourself they will push back. They will try to deny your feelings even more, double down on their control tactics. It would be more accurate to say that, your mission, if you choose to accept it, is going to piss a lot of people off. And Honey, I totally support you if you want to change your mind or put things on hold for a while or even look for another path… even though I can tell you there isn’t one. Trust me I looked and looked until I finally had to hopper myself out at the last moment. This is the way, the only way, and it’s better if you can summon the courage to keep pushing forward, one step at a time, trusting that you are going the right way and that Truth means something. Because if you’re listening to your heart at all you know what the alternative is: a zombie apocalypse of your soul.

I promise you this, though. Your heart is your guide and it will not lead you wrong. It is your compass as you navigate the seeming madness. With Truth as your North Star, you will find your way.

So let the plates you’ve been spinning drop. Let the two sides of your burning candle singe themselves. It’s not your job to make this easy for anyone. This is YOUR LIFE. You only get one chance to get it right. Better late than never.

